Never stop lifting. Never stop learning.
Never stop living.

Bodybuilding Meets Functionality
With most of my coaching background in the functional fitness realm, I’m a firm believer in the results that come from that type of training. However, there are areas of that type of training that is neglected. Before functional fitness, my background was doing bodybuilding workouts while training for my sport. This is where both my education and background fuse together: Bodybuilding Meets Functional Fitness. With this unique approach, we can still perform our high-intensity functional fitness workouts while also building the musculature foundation to help avoid injury.
Focus On Quality
I don’t care how much you can lift, how high you can jump, or how fast you can run, if it looks like garbage, then it’s garbage. I have my athletes focus on the quality of movement and execution over everything. Practicing each movement to almost near perfection requires time, energy, and a lot of reps with the right trainer to watch and correct you. “Perfect practice makes perfect.” “Form follows function.” These quotes are principles steeped in my approach to how I train my athletes.
Train to Be a
Powerful Athlete
Training for your sport? Or do you want to be stronger, faster, and more powerful even though you’re not training for a sport? As a former multi-sport athlete myself, I know both from experience and education, how to approach training athletes for different sports. Even with my athletic endeavors behind me, I’m still an athlete at heart. So are you. You will never be just a client, you will be one of my athletes. We train for all realms of sport and life. The athletes who train with me, not only work on strength & conditioning, but we also work on sport-specific fundamentals to develop the necessary athleticism required to excel where it matters most: the field, court, or arena.
Avoid Injuries & Overtraining
You can’t prevent injuries but you can become resilient to them. My approach is to find limiting factors and stressors (both in the gym and in daily life) and attack them to help avoid injuries. The athletes who train with me, build the body armor required to stay strong and be resilient in the gym and in daily life. I start all of my athletes with a movement assessment and a strength assessment. These provide immediate feedback and details required to help avoid injuries and overtraining.
Transform Lives, Not Just Bodies
Whenever I start working with an athlete, I ask them a simple question: “Why?” “Why do you want to start doing this? What is your purpose for seeking out guidance?” My athletes all have different goals: get back in shape again, coming back from having kids, or to KEEP UP with their kids, injury prevention, etc. Transforming lives doesn’t JUST come from working out and eating right again. The athletes who work with me don’t just work on getting stronger, or faster, or a better physique, they also work on mental fortitude and confidence. Whether it’s the confidence to run around and keep up with your kids, or finally get that hike in that you’ve been wanting to do. Whatever it is, my goal as a coach and trainer is to get you to instill that confidence you once had. Once that starts, the compound effect of training with your confidence will know no bounds.
Train & Eat
For Life
Have you ever asked yourself, or another trainer, “Why are we doing this?”. Did they ever respond with their “why”? Did they give you an “I don’t know shrug”? Or even worse, did they just say “Just do it. Who cares?”? My approach to training my athletes is to teach them to lift and eat for life. I not only coach the how but I also teach the why, in both training and nutrition. Each athlete is unique therefore every athlete needs a different approach. As much as I want my athletes to work with me for the rest of their life, I know this isn’t feasible. Guiding my athletes through the ins and outs of exercise movements and eating habits solidifies a strong foundation where they can confidently go anywhere in the world and still do what they want to do.

One-on-one in-person training sessions in the Jupiter, Florida area. These training sessions can be at your home gym or at local gyms I have partnered with. Get 1:1 attention and workout programming that is custom to not only your goals but your day-to-day life.

Sport-specific training is the best way for you to develop the athleticism, strength, and conditioning necessary to excel on the field or court. You'll get a custom plan with a focus on injury prevention to ensure that you stay healthy and one step ahead of your competition.
I don't believe in a one size fits all approach to nutrition, but I do believe in helping you find what works best for you. Get a custom plan that will support your goals, food preferences and lifestyle.

Imagine opening your phone and seeing training designed just for you. No matter where you are located, get custom workouts sent to you every week based on your specific training goals as well as your initial movement assessment.


Active Life Immersion:
Active Life bridges the gap between fitness and healthcare. In this 4 month program, I learned corrective exercise program design, advanced program modification design, and how to interpret a strength assessment and program to correct imbalances.
Power Athlete Level 1:
Learned proven methods to increase strength, power, and speed; Coaching principles that unlock techniques for mastering barbell lifts; Tactics for increasing agility, top speed, and acceleration.
USA Weightlifting Level 1:
Gained practical information about weightlifting techniques, assessing movement, motor learning, biomechanics, effective coaching, and programming training.
CrossFit Level 1:
Education on the fundamental principles and movements of CrossFit.
CrossFit Spot the Flaw:
Developed the ability to analyze and identify technique faults in commonly used movements, including weightlifting, gymnastics, and monostructural modalities.
CrossFit Anatomy:
Learned basic anatomical terms, and got an introduction to the structure and mechanics of the major joints of the human body.
CrossFit Judges:
Learned the skills needed to judge a competition including movement standards, common faults, and repetition counting.
CrossFit Scaling:
Learned how to scale movements for CrossFit athletes of all levels, former athletes from other disciplines, and injured athletes. Knowing how to offer appropriate scaling options for any athlete is one of the most important skills you can develop as a coach.
CrossFit Lesson Planning:
Learned how to improve my organizational skills and run effective, efficient, and fun group fitness classes.
CrossFit Running:
Learned how to improve basic running technique and the the invariable elements of running including What to look for in a successful running stride, What running faults are most common, and how to conduct a basic gait analysis.